Training programmes

Here you can decide where to go after grade 11 and what specialty to choose.
1.2 Computer Sciences and Informatics
1.2.2 Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Software Packages
1.6 Earth and Environmental Sciences
1.6.10 Geology, Prospecting and Exploration of Solid Minerals, Minerogeny
1.6.13 Economic, Social, Political and Recreational Geography
1.6.21 Geoecology
2.1 Construction and Architecture
2.1.1 Constructions, Buildings and Facilities
2.1.7 Construction Technology and Management
2.3 Information Technologies and Telecommunications
2.3.1 System Analysis, Management and Information Processing, Statistics
2.3.3 Automation and Control of Technological Processes and Productions
2.3.7 Computer Modeling and Computer-Aided Design
2.4 Energy and electrical engineering
2.4.2 Electrical Complexes and Systems
2.5 Machine Building
2.5.5 Technology and Equipment for Mechanical and Physical-technical Processing
2.6 Chemical Technologies, Materials Sciences, Metallurgy
2.6.1 Metal Science and Heat Treatment of Metals and Alloys
2.6.9 Electrochemical Process Technology and Corrosion Protection
2.9 Transport Systems
2.9.5 Automobiles Service
4.3 Agroengineering and Food Technology
4.3.3 Food Systems
5.1 Law
5.1.2 Public Law (State Law) Sciences
5.1.3 Private Law (Civil) Sciences
5.1.4 Criminal Law Sciences
5.2 Economics
5.2.3 Regional Economy and Economic Sectors
5.2.4 Finances
5.8 Pedagogics
5.8.1 General Pedagogics, History of Pedagogics and Education
5.8.7 Methodology and Technology of Vocational Training
5.9 Philology
5.9.1 Russian Literature and Literature of the Russian Federation peoples
5.9.5 Russian Language. Languages of the Russian Federation peoples
5.9.8 Theoretical, Applied and Comparative Linguistics

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