Training programmes

Here you can decide where to go after grade 11 and what specialty to choose.
01.00.00 Mathematichs and Mechanics
01.04.02 Applied Mathematics and Informatics
02.00.00 Computer and Information Sciences
02.04.02 Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies
03.00.00 Physics and Astronomy
03.04.02 Physics
04.00.00 Chemistry
04.04.01 Chemistry
05.00.00 Earth Sciences
05.04.02 Geography
05.04.06 Environment and Natural Resources Management
06.00.00 Biological Sciences
06.04.01 Biology
08.00.00 Engineering and Construction Technology
08.04.01 Building and Construction
09.00.00 Computer Science and Engineering
09.04.01 Computer and Information Sciences
09.04.02 Informational Systems and Technologies
09.04.04 Programming Engineering
11.00.00 Electronics, Radio Engineering and Communication Systems
11.04.04 Electronics and Nano-Electronics
13.00.00 Electrical and Heat-Power Engineering
13.04.02 Electrical and Power Engineering
15.00.00 Machinery Manufacturing
15.04.01 Machine Building
15.04.02 Technological Machinery and Equipment
15.04.04 Automation of Technological Processes and Production
15.04.05 Design Engineering Manufacturing
18.00.00 Chemical Technology
18.04.01 Chemical Technology
19.00.00 Industrial Ecology and Biotechnology
19.04.02 Food Products of Plant Origin
19.04.03 Food Products of Animal Origin
19.04.04 Production Technology and Management in Catering
20.00.00 Technosphere Safety and Environmental Engineering
20.04.01 Life Safety in Technosphere
23.00.00 Land Transport Engineering and Technology
23.04.01 Transport Processes Technology
23.04.03 Transport, Technological Machines and Equipment Operation
24.00.00 Aviation and Rocket-Space Technology
24.04.01 Rocket System and Astronautical Science
24.04.04 Aircraft construction
27.00.00 Management in Technical Systems
27.04.02 Quality Management
27.04.03 Systems Analysis and Administration
27.04.04 Engineering Systems Administration
38.00.00 Economics and Management
38.04.01 Economics
38.04.02 Management
38.04.03 Personnel Management
38.04.04 Public and Municipal Administration
38.04.08 Finances and Credit
40.00.00 Law
40.04.01 Jurisprudence
43.00.00 Service and Tourism
43.04.01 Service
43.04.02 Tourism
44.00.00 Education and Pedagogical Sciences
44.04.01 Teacher Training
45.00.00 Language and Literature Studies
45.04.01 Philology
45.04.02 Linguistics
46.00.00 History and Archaeology
46.04.01 History

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